
Past courses

a three-month introduction to drawing, starting 03/12/2018, the first 1o1 course co-produced with scuola superiore d’arte applicata del castello sforzesco.

We did design 1o1. We did architecture 101. We did storytelling and zine. Now, it is time to focus our attention on our homes!

storytelling in the age of the smartphone. storytelling in the age of instagram.

an introduction to fanzine-making composed of six standalone modules of one month.

a six-month journey (november 2015 to april 2016) divided into 3 courses “online”, one final exhibition / graduation party and an “offline” workshop in which we will go one step beyond.

a month-long summer camp that started online on july 14 2014 and moved offline from august 4 to 9, 2014.

a six-month journey (january to june 2015) divided into 3 parts / courses “online”, one final exhibition / graduation party and a one-week summer camp “offline”.

a journey into contemporary design through 101 exercises that started in october 2013 and ended in february 2014.